Our priority task is to ensure the quality of Education

It is known from the historical development path of any state that the rapid development of the country, the achievement of certain achievements, the prosperity of the people depends on the level of attention given to the education and future of young people in that state. In this sense, the issue of youth is one of the most priority directions of state policy in Uzbekistan.
At present, with the initiatives of the President, systematic work is being carried out in our country aimed at educating the younger generation competently, in order to make them grow in all respects mature, healthy, potential, spiritually harmonious, as well as to stimulate the work done by young people in accordance with their achievements. We can also understand the grief of the head of our state for the youth from his speech at the 72nd session of the UN General Assembly: "the planet‘s tomorrow, its well-being is connected with what kind of human being our children become. Our main task is to create the necessary conditions for young people to demonstrate their potential," our compatriot said in his speeches.
The issues of improving the quality of education in schools in our country, providing educational institutions with qualified personnel, increasing the position of teachers, improving the content of the curriculum and textbooks were also emphasized at the video-vector meeting held on August 23, 2020, the thoughts of our compatriot about schoolchildren in the appeal emphasize that they are not only the actual subject of today‘s day, but also of tomorrow‘s day.
Paying attention to the issue of young people at the school stage, the respected President once again expressed serious thoughts about the need for a radical reform of the school and its sphere.It was emphasized that 30 new schools will be built and 320 schools will be reconstructed, 2 trillion soums will be allocated from the state budget for this, 250 billion soums will be directed to the introduction of a single "electronic education" system in the field, improving the quality of Education, First of all, the need to adapt the methodical manuals for educational programs, it was emphasized the necessity of adapting methodical manuals for teachers and teachers to Advanced International Programs.
To encourage teachers in this regard, pay 1.5 times the allowance for the position of class leadership, 50% per month of teachers who go to the distant school in another district, go to another province and worklasa 100% allowance for the allowance, as well as allocate subsidies from the budget to stimulate the activities of private schools,also, teachers ‘ knowledge of their science, their pedagogical skills and their serious attitude towards the criteria for granting a category based on their psychological preparation indicate that this is a subject that is constantly in the attention of our President.
Special attention should be paid to increasing the coverage and quality of higher education in the application, increasing the number of state grants allocated for higher education from the next year to at least 25%, increasing the number of grants for girls of families in need by 2 times to 2 thousand,to apply special scholarships to girls in need of Social Protection who are studying for excellent grades, to transfer 65 academic lyceums to the disposal of higher educational institutions in order to ensure the unity between the higher education institutions and the lower sections of the educational system,187 technical units should also be attached to the regional and Network Enterprises in their direction, the number of young people to be sent to study at the master‘s and Doctorate of leading foreign higher educational institutions should be increased by 5 times, sending 100 boys and girls abroad in the direction of Bachelor for the first time through the "El-yurt umidi”,development of training programs for 30 leading universities in our country in the New Year,his views on the admission quota and the right to independent settlement of financial issues are inspired by yesterday‘s and today‘s achievements in the field of Higher Education and are the suggestions and requirements that a wise father of the land cares about the future of young people, every citizen who says "I am a child of Uzbekistan", regardless of his age, will have to recognize these requirements as programmatic and mentally approach them for the implementation of this work.
In addition, to introduce a new system of special kindness to children of needy OI, orphans, disabled and children in need of treatment, in 2021, the allocation of 50 billion soums to housing provision of 900 orphans,this initiative proves that the transformation into a common action, as well as the establishment of serious requirements for the adoption of the law on the children‘s Ombudsman, the issue of youth has already become a matter of the state.As evidence of this, we unanimously support the fact that our compatriot called 2021 the year "the year of youth support and strengthening the health of the population".
Musurmanov Ravshan Kurbanmuratovich
Vice-rector for educational and methodical supply and quality control of education of NUUz