Today, representatives of the delegation of Nazarbayev University of Kazakhstan visited the National University of Uzbekistan.

The purpose of the visit: further expansion of cooperation with the National University of Uzbekistan.
The delegation included Altinay Murzakulova, head of the department of work with foreign students, admissions management, Daniyar Igiboev, manager of the department of student admissions, Michael Lewis, professor of computer science department of Nazarbayev University, Gonzalo Hap Ortelano, dean of the School of Social Sciences and Humanities and professor of biology department, Galiya Kenesovna Sagindikova, director of the faculty of natural, social and human sciences, Alminia Usingalieva, manager of the department of education and work with students of the School of Natural Sciences and Humanities.
Raima Shirinova, Vice-Rector for International Relations, Zafar Rakhmanov, Dean of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Intellectual Technologies, Prof. Mirsaid Aripov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Economics and Professors of the Faculty of Social Sciences welcomed the delegation. At the meeting, the sides presented information about the education system, the results of the National University of Uzbekistan on national and international rankings, as well as joint international educational programs. They discussed the establishment of academic mobility between the two universities, joint publication of scientific articles and organization of summer student schools. The experts visited the Faculty of Economics, as well as the faculties of Applied Mathematics and Intelligent Technologies. There, our scientists gave a lecture to the students of the Faculty of Applied Mathematics and Intelligent Technology on "cybersecurity landscape"," a "tutorial on writing short essays". Gonzalo Hap Ortelano gave a lecture in English to economics students on "The Role of Research in Knowledge-Based Economics".
At the end of the meeting, the parties agreed to implement step-by-step all the proposals discussed today by organizing online meetings to further expand cooperation.

International Relations Department