The Khavas Tourism Forum was held under the slogan “We promote the attractiveness of the ancient place at the intersection of the Great Silk Road!”

It was attended by representatives of the university's leadership, student youth, the khokimiyat of the Khavast district of the Syrdarya region, as well as officials and students working in the field of tourism in this district.
The purpose of the international forum is to demonstrate the attractiveness of tourist sites in the Khavast district of the Syrdarya region, conduct scientific research on the study of history and ethnography, create scientific monographs and promote them to the general public, as well as increase the interest of local and foreign tourists in these places and tourist sites.
Also, within the framework of this Tourism Forum, university specialists-scientists held a seminar-training on the development of tourism on the topics "Pilgrimage tourism in the mirror of ethnography (on the example of Syrdarya and Jizzakh regions)" and "Opportunities for the development of hotel services and gastronomic tourism in the Khavast district of the Syrdarya region."
The seminar-training was attended by officials of the tourism sector of the Khavast district, hotel service employees and representatives of catering establishments, and issues of development of the tourism sector in the future were discussed.
Within the framework of this tourism forum, a trip to tourist sites and shrines of the Khavast district of the Syrdarya region was organized.
Information service of NUUz