On May 5-7 this year, a delegation led by the governor of Chungcheongnam-do province of the Republic of Korea, Kim Tae Heum, visited Uzbekistan. As part of this visit, a…
Kengash majlisi avvalida O‘zMU rektori Inom Madjidov Prezident huzurida oliy ta’lim tizimi bo‘yicha bo‘lib o‘tgan taqdimot va unda muhokama qilingan masalalar mohiyatiga to‘xtalib o‘tdi. Ta’lim yo‘nalishlarini optimallashtirish, qabul va malaka…
Sabirova Muazzam Shuxratbek qizining 11.00.02 – Iqtisodiy va ijtimoiy geografiya ixtisosligi bo‘yicha “Toshkent iqtisodiy rayoni aholisi oilaviy tarkibining geodemografik muammolari” mavzuidagi geografiya fanlari bo‘yicha falsafa doktori (PhD) dissertatsiyasining himoyasi O‘zbekiston…
At the moment, Vladimir Lvovich Quint, head of the "Economic and Financial Strategies" department of the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov, doctor of economics, professor, foreign member of…
Bugun, O‘zMUda “O‘zbekiston – 2030” strategiyasini “Yoshlar va biznesni qo‘llab-quvvatlash yili”da amalga oshirishga oid davlat dasturi to‘g‘risida” Prezident Farmonining 1-bandida alohida ishlash talab etiladigan yoshlarni mas’ul rahbarlarga nomma-nom biriktirish amaliyotini…
In accordance with the project plan ERASMUS-EDU-2022-CBHE-STRAND-2 (101083224) - “INMACOM: Innovative Master's program in photonics and optical communications to meet the needs of the telecommunications labor market in Uzbekistan” in…
Massachusets texnologiya instituti va Garvard universitetining Broad instituti (Broad institute of MIT and Harvard) ilmiy tadqiqotchisi, Yaponiya va AQSH Nevrologiya, Fiziologiya va Biofizika jamiyati a'zosi (PhD) E.SH.Kurganov "Shizofreniya: avvalgi va…
Today, on April 26, an international conference on "Sustainable development goals: foreign experience and practice of Uzbekistan" was held in connection with "April 22 - International Earth Day" at the…
On April 25 of this year, a seminar was held at the National University of Uzbekistan with representatives of "Clarivate" on the topic "National subscription to the resources of "Pivot-RP"…
The financial and credit system plays a key role in any state economy. This will not only be able to provide the use of financial resources of businesses and the…