It was emphasized by those who spoke at the event that the Constitution in the new version created the political and legal basis for the implementation of the strategy of…
“O‘zbekiston-2030” strategiyasida belgilangan vazifalar, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlis Senati faoliyati hamda yangi qabul qilingan Konstitutsiyamiz mazmun-mohiyati bilan talaba-yoshlarni yaqindan tanishtirish maqsadida tashkil etilgan mazkur tadbirda O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Oliy Majlisi Senati,…
In order to support students with disabilities, to raise their chances, to give an incentive to their aspirations, an intellectual tournament was organized at the Faculty of history of the…
Currently, a delegation led by the rector of the National University of Uzbekistan is at Webster University in the United States. Within the framework of the visit, a number of…
At the National University of Uzbekistan, in cooperation with the Department of Justice of the Almazor district and the Tashkent State Law University, legal promotion events were held on the…
The next session of the "Young physiologists of New Uzbekistan" circle, organized by Academician B. Zaripov at the "Human and Animal Physiology" department of the Faculty of Biology, was held…
A scientific-practical conference on "Current problems of astrophysics and cosmogony" was held at the Faculty of Physics of the National University of Uzbekistan. Professor of the Department of "Astronomy…
В целях содержательной организации досуга молодежи, а также расширения кругов талантливой молодежи в рамках "Олимпиады пяти инициатив" организуются конкурсы и соревнования. В частности, в Ферганской области в рамках пятиэтапной "Олимпиады…
🔹 O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti “Siyosatshunoslik” yo‘nalishi talabalari ishtirokida “Konstitutsiya – ijtimoiy-siyosiy islohotlar tayanchi” mavzusida intellektual bellashuv bo‘lib o‘tdi. 🔸 Unda olti nafar jamoa uch shart bo‘yicha: tanishtiruv, O‘zbekiston Respublikasi Konstitutsiyasi…
It analyzed the state of the University's national rating indicators at the end of 2023 in the cross section of faculties in the fields of chemistry and socio-economic sciences. The…