Jahon universitetlari Vebometrik reytingi (Webometrics Ranking of World Universities) natijalariga ko‘ra O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti respublika oliy ta’lim muassasalari ichida peshqadam bo'ldi. ( Ma'lumot o'rnida, Webometrics Ranking of World Universities (Ranking…
SHHT Xalq diplomatiyasi markazi, Oliy Majlis Qonunchilik palatasi huzuridagi Yoshlar parlamenti, O‘zbekiston Milliy universiteti, Jahon iqtisodiyoti va diplomatiya universiteti, Toshkent xalqaro islom akademiyasi ekspertlari ishtirokida o‘tayotgan davra suhbatida “Samarqand birdamlik…
Unda yuqori kasaba uyushmasi tashkilotlaridan mehmonlar, universitet rahbariyati, professor-o‘qituvchilar, ishchi-xodimlar, tashkilot faxriylari va faollari ishtirok etdi.
Today, the next meeting of the Supervisory Board of the University was held at the National University of Uzbekistan. The Chairman of the Supervisory Board Odil Abdurahmanov and the Deputy…
🔹 University leadership, professors and teachers, faculty students, workers, tutors and students took part in the action organized within the national project "Green Space" promoted by the head of our…
University leadership, professors and teachers, students of the faculty, workers, tutors and students took part in the action organized within the national project "Green Space" promoted by the head of…
🔹 Professor Sergey Pashkov, dean of the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences of the University of North Kazakhstan named after M. Koziboyev, from October 28, "Geoecology", "Central Asia" for…
🔹 An article titled "A thousand applauses for my teacher" ("Ystazyma myn alg'ys!") was published in the magazine "Mirror of Knowledge" ("Bilim aynasy") of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 🔸 It…
Moskva iqtisodiyot maktabida yo'lga qo'yilgan bakalavriat va magistratura bo'yicha kadrlar tayyorlash tajribasi Rossiya Fanlar akademiyasi akademigi Vladimir Lvovich Kvint boshchiligida bir guruh olimlar va mutaxassislar tomonidan tushuntirib o'tildi. Ma'lumot o'rnida,…
Unda Gidrometeorologiya fakultetining “Humo” teatr studiyasi “Chimildiq” spektaklini, Amaliy matematika va intellektual texnologiyalar fakultetining "Kashfiyot" teatr studiyasi "Kelinlar qo'zg'oloni", Geografiya va geoaxborot tizimlari fakultetining "Ilg‘or" teatr studiyasi "Qaytar dunyo", Tarix…