1st International scientific conference (HSSRPCH-2022)
Information letter
National University of Uzbekiston is named after Mirzo Ulugbek, Junior training center of the Armed forces Uzbekistan, Bukhoro psychology and foreign languages institute, Samarkand state University named after Sh.Rashidov, The Chirchik State Pedagogical Institute of Tashkent Region.
1st International scientific conference (HSSRPCH-2022)
Topics of conference
1-chapter. Psychology
2-chapter. Sociology
3-chapter. Philosophy
4-chapter. Social work
5-chapter. Pedagogy
6-chapter. International philology
7-chapter. Military psychology
8-chapter. Information technologies
HSSRPCH -2022 accepts unpublished high quality documents in following areas:
- Interdisciplinary integration as a developmental tip for 21st century psychology;
- Psychology and modern problems;
- Problems of person development in social-cultural and educational context;
- Psychological security of the educational environment;
- Psychological aspects of teachers’ professional competence;
- Welfare of the individual in the context of digitalization;
- Modern psychological research of cognitive processes;
- Social, cognitive, emotional development of children;
- Personal and social self-determination of children and youth;
- Social psychology of person;
- Problems of interaction of the person, group, social environment;
- Psychological problems of the modern family;
- Psychology of martial relations;
- Psychology of parents and parenting
- Practical aspects of social psychology;
- Individual health and psychological well-being in the global world;
- Psychological services in the health care system;
- The role of the psychologist in the educational space;
- Psychological services in the educational institution;
- Management psychology.
- Sociology of culture;
- Ethnosociology;
- Sociology of management;
- History of phylosophy;
- Logic and cognitive aspects of thinking;
- The evolution of the relationship between human consciousness and spiritual existence;
- The problem of deviation in social philosophy;
- Social identity and identity;
Social work
- Aholini ijtimoiy muhofaza qilish jamiyatning barqaror rivojlanish omili sifatida;
- Social protection as a factor of sustainable development of society;
- Socio-humanitarian research of childhood and youth issues;
- Medical and social work with people with disabilities in the social work system;
- Innovative technologies in social work with different groups of the population;
- Social work as a mechanism for implementing state family policy;
- Psychological and social work practices with the family;
- Technology and social action to address social inequality: current research;
- Socio-cultural integration of migrants in modern society;
- Carrying out social work with the family as a source of social protection;
- “Volunteering in social work with groups in need of social protection.
- Pedagogical activity;
- History of pedagogy;
- Didactics;
- Methodology;
- High school pedagogy;
- Applied pedagogy;
- Theoretical pedagogy;
- General pedagogy;
- Social pedagogy;
- Special pedagogy.
Foreign phylology
- Comparative literature
- Comparative Linguistics
- Translation Studies
- Methods of language teaching
Military psychology
- Psychological image of modern servicemen of the Armed Forces
- Socio-psychological mechanisms of interpersonal relations between the military leader (commander) and subordinate servicemen
- Psychodiagnostic capabilities of modern military psychology
- The role of motivation and will in the military
- Psychological factors that shape professional competence in servicemen
Information technologies
- Digitalization in the humanitarian and social spheres
- Intelligent systems
- Internet programming
- Development of mobile applications
- Information Security
- Mathematical linguistics
- Information technologies in education
Main dates:
Acceptance of materials - until May 15, 2022.
Confirmation of admission - until June 1, 2022.
Payment of registration fee - until June 10, 2022.
The date of the conference is June 20, 2022.
Requirements for the design and writing of articles:
The conference will allow completed research papers that are well written in English and meet the specified requirements. The materials provided must be original and conform to the directions of the conference departments.
- The article should be written strictly in accordance with the recommended template of the selected publication;
- Articles must be written in good English (articles with incorrect or incorrect translations will be rejected);
- The number of pages of the article should be from 6 to 12 (at least 6 full pages);
- The article should consist of sections, for example, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Conclusions and Discussions, Summary, References, etc.
- Links should be made strictly in accordance with the requirements of publications (see templates on the conference website), only references to publications indexed in international databases;
- Use the international standard for units and values, use decimal as a separator (for example, 0.002);
- The list of used literature should not contain more than 2 references to the authors of the article.
- The text is written in 14 (font) size, the line spacing is 1 size.
- Articles are accepted until May 15.
All submitted articles will be reviewed and checked for plagiarism, excessive self-citation, design appropriateness and originality. Reviewed articles are accepted for publication in a journal issue. Plagiarism checks will be made at the final stage by journal’s responsible editors after paying for the article. Therefore, in case of rejection of the article due to the presence of already published materials and plagiarism, the payment will not be refunded.
The official language of the articles submitted for publication is English. Following the conference, a number of journals indexed by Scopus and the Web of Science will be published with the support of a publishing partner. All full-time and part-time conference participants who have submitted their work for publication in the journal issue should send it to the following e-mail address:
Registration fee
Registration fee, which includes the publication of one article in the journal (in US dollars): | For Uzbek authors | For foreign authors |
Journal indexed in Scopus and Web of Science databases | (200 $) According to bank rank | 200 $ |
Bank details for payment of the registration fee will be sent to the authors of the accepted articles by e-mail with a confirmation of receipt of the article. |
Responsible for organizational matters
- Karamyan Marietta Khachaturovna – professor of NUUz
phone number: +998909968910 - Мullaboyeva Nozima Makhmudjanovna – assistant professor of NUUz
phone number: +998946948274 - Raximova Indira Igorevna - assistant professor of NUUz
phone number: +998909013603
Responsible for acceptance of article
(Acceptance of articles is carried out by the following telegram numbers)
- Ibragimov Muhammadrasul Abdimuminovich – tel: +998909620275
- Каrimova Moxigul Tulqinjon qizi – tel: +998909620275
- Yuldasheva Nilufar Sherquzi qizi - tel: +998903697079
- Sayitova Umida Xikmatullo qizi - tel: +998934582718
- Jurayeva Khalima Alisher qizi - tel: +998935652229
Responsible for scientific and organizational issues (international)
Mukhamedova Dilbar Gafurdjanovna - Professor, Doctor of Psychological Sciences.
Professor DSc Madjidov Inomjon Urishovich
(Rector National universiteti of Uzbekiston is named after Mirzo Ulugbek)
Scientific chairman:
Assistant professor Inakov Komiljon Kodirjonovich
(Social science faculty dean National University of Uzbekiston is named after Mirzo Ulugbek)
Standard title page of an article
Mark Smith, University of Vienna,
PhD in Economics, the Faculty of Economics
Humanitarian approaches to the Periodic Law
Abstract: Interpretation of periodic law from the point of view of humanities is examined in the article. The periodic table is analyzed for the purpoe of defining of sociological regularities.
Keywords: the Periodic Law, humanities, interdisciplinary approach.
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Results and Discussion
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- John W. Moore, Conrad L. Stanitski, Peter C. Jurs. Chemistry: The Molecular Science, Volume 1, 2011.