A preventive event was organized at the National University of Uzbekistan under the slogan “Safe Student”
The event was attended and discussed by the First Vice-Rector of the National University of Uzbekistan J. Mukhammadiev, the head of the 4th sector of the Almazar district Sh. Tojiboev, the head of the JTSB of the FMB of the Almazar district M. Urinboev, the deputy head of the Investigative Department T. Arabboev, the head of the 4th DIA A. Khalimov, the prevention inspector of the region, lieutenant colonel A.A. Abdulhakov.Speakers spoke on topics such as preventing the influence of alien and destructive ideas, preventing cases related to the consumption and illegal circulation of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and potent drugs among young people, preventing various crimes and hooliganism. The legal consequences of these illegal actions were also explained.