NUUz trains international personnel

The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek, together with the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, will create bachelor‘s programs in the areas of "Financial Risk Management and Insurance" and "Business of Social Sphere and Finance".
The solemn signing of the Agreement on the implementation of a joint educational program between the two leading universities of Russia and Uzbekistan took place remotely online. The agreement was signed by the Pro-Rector for International Relations of NUUz R. Shirinova and the Pro-Rector for International Cooperation of the Financial University under the Government of Russia A.S. Linnikov.
The ceremony was attended by employees of the Financial University under the Government of Russia (Head of the Department of Insurance and Social Economy A.A. Syganov, Head of the Department of International Cooperation L.V. Prikhodko, Deputy Head of the Department of International Cooperation A.V. Sereda, Associate Professor of the Department of Insurance and Economics M. A. Selivanov) and representatives of the National University of Uzbekistan (Dean of the Faculty of Economics A.T. Umarov, Head of the Department of Econometrics and Economic Modeling Sh.S. Nasreddinova, Associate Professor B.R.Shamsuddinov, specialist in the organization of international relations Sh.O. Nazirova).
Professors-teachers from Moscow and Tashkent will teach specialized subjects. For those who entered in 2020, lectures and seminars will be held online in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the plan, Uzbek students will continue their studies at the 3rd and 4th courses of the Financial University under the Government of Russia.
The knowledge gained by undergraduate students in the areas of "Financial Risk Management and Insurance" and "Business of Social Sphere and Finance" will contribute to the further development of the insurance market and social sphere of Uzbekistan.
Information Service of NUUz