A simulated “UN-module” for students on the topic “International election standards” was organized at NUUz
The United Nations (UN) is an international organization established to strengthen peace and security in the world, and develop mutual cooperation between states. Every year, October 24 is celebrated as the date of entry into force of the UN Charter.As stated in the UN Charter, it follows the principle of maintaining international peace and security, equal rights and self-determination of peoples, developing friendly relations between nations, and solving economic, social, and cultural problems. ensures cooperation between nations.
In this regard, the "Uzbekistan-UN" week, which is becoming a tradition every year, has been started among the professors and teachers of the "Political Science" education department of the National University of Uzbekistan.
Within the framework of this week, a number of projects aimed at increasing socio-political knowledge and skills of students will be implemented at the initiative of the "Political Science" department of the university.
In particular, this year's week is being held under the theme "International election standards". It included a number of project programs such as "Creative essays" competition among students, "Bliss questions and answers", "Zakovat" intellectual competition and simulated "UN module" for students.
On October 25 of this year, with the participation of professors and students of the "Political Science" department of the university, a simulated "UN-module" for students on the topic "International election standards" was organized. In it, the system of election processes in about 50 countries of the world, the procedure for organizing elections and international election standards were thoroughly studied by the students and discussed on the basis of role-playing games within the simulated UN summit.
Students of Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Tashkent State Transport University and a number of other HEIs participated in observing the simulated "UN module" organized by the 2nd year students of the "Political Science" field of study of the university.
The purpose of this event is to "ensure human dignity, rights and freedom in the minds of our students, improve the system of social protection of the population, and strengthen knowledge, skills and experiences regarding election processes, which are an important mirror of democracy." Kamoliddin Mirzaakhmedov, professor of the "Political Science" department, doctor of political sciences, says.

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