A prophylactic meeting was held with a majority of students
At the National University of Uzbekistan, a meeting of specialists and students was held to address law enforcement, crime prevention, crime prevention, drug addiction, cross-border situations, and fire safety.V nem priniali uchastie sotrudniki Tashkentskoy gorodskoy prokuratury, Glavnogo upravleniya vnutrennih del i Departmenta po chrezvychaynym situatsiyam.
Dzhabbor Mukhammadiev, the first vice-rector of the department of youth and pastoral and educational work of NUUZ, opened the meeting.
V xode vstrechi byli zaslushany lektsii priglashennyx ekspertov. Officials have provided detailed information about crime, crime, drug addiction, religious fanaticism, extremism, and terrorism, as well as criminal behavior and pojare.
Posle etogo senior inspectorate universiteta po profilikate predstavli deyatelnost obshchestvennoy gruppy "shchit", providomuyu rabotu po obespecheniyu bezopasnosti studentsov Nationalnogo universiteta Uzbekistana.
In addition, a demonstration of fire safety was carried out by MChS of Vstrechi vstrechi sotrudnikami LLC.