Our language is the image of our nation
On the initiative of the Department of Computer Linguistics and Applied Linguistics at the Faculty of Uzbek Philology, a spiritual and educational event dedicated to the day when the Uzbek language was granted the status of the state language, "Our language is the image of our nation" was organized.Professor Hamidulla Boltaboyev, dean of the faculty Muzaffar Chorshanbiyev and head of the department, professor Nilufar Abdurakhmanova opened the evening.
People's Artist of Uzbekistan Zukhra Ashurova and actor Farrukh Botirov from the National Academic Drama Theater of Uzbekistan were guests at this event and read monologues from artistic works.
A roundtable discussion was held on the national status of our language and its role in education, as well as the importance of the mother tongue in the formation of national spirituality.
The music of Suyunboyeva Mohichehra, a student of the International Nordic University, performed on the dutor national instrument added grace to the event.

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