As you know, in the 2019-2020 academic year, Kazan Federal University (KFU) and the Jizzakh branch of the National University of Uzbekistan (Jb NUU), one of the 300 most prestigious…
Today our state pays special attention to scientists and scientists. Women, like other professions, reach the heights of science. They make a significant contribution to the development of education and…
On 16 June 2021, the National University of Uzbekistan hosted the regional meeting of the international NICOPA project: "New and Innovative Courses in Precision Agriculture". This meeting consisted of two…
Creating a healthy lifestyle in our country, creating modern conditions for regular physical culture and mass sports of the population, especially the younger generation, strengthening confidence in the will, strength…
On June 9, a group of teachers and young people were awarded at the University Council. Rakhmonov Nasimkhon Askarovich, Professor of the Department of Uzbek Literature, Doctor of Philology, Faculty…
Mirzo Ulugʼbek nomidagi Oʼzbekiston Milliy universitetining Kimyo fakulьtetida magistratura bitiruvchilarining magistrlik dissertatsiyalari himoyalari boshlandi. Unga Oʼzbekiston Fanlar akademiyasining Noorganik kimyo instituti direktori X.Sharipov va OʼzMU Kimyo fakulьteti dekani, professor Shaxnoza…
Mamlakatimizda sogʼlom turmush tarzini shakllantirish, aholining, ayniqsa, yosh avlodning jismoniy tarbiya va ommaviy sport bilan muntazam shugʼullanishi uchun zamon talablariga mos shart-sharoitlar yaratish, sport musobaqalari orqali yoshlarda oʼz irodasi, kuchi…
Round University Ranking (RUR) - RUR Ranking Agency is an international ranking that evaluates the world‘s leading universities published by Russia. This rating has been comparing 1150 prestigious universities…
On June 9, 2021, an online meeting was organized between the National University of Uzbekistan and the Ministry of Agriculture and Agrarian Development of Israel. The meeting was aimed at…
Oʼzbekiston Milliy universitetining Ekologiya fakulьteti professor-oʼqituvchilari hamda talabalari ushbu ekologik xayriya aktsiyasida ishtirok etish uchun Nukus shahriga borishdi. “Moʼynoqqa madad” ekologik xayriya velomarafoni doirasida talaba yoshlarimiz va velomarafon sportchilari Beruniy…