The National University of Uzbekistan named after Mirzo Ulugbek is the first and leading higher education institution not only in Uzbekistan, but also in Central Asia: 15 faculties, 80 chairs, 16 joint education programs, The number of graduates is 200,000+

An article about the scientific and pedagogical activity of the professor of UzMU was published in the Kazakhstan magazine

🔹 An article titled "A thousand applauses for my teacher" ("Ystazyma myn alg'ys!") was published in the magazine "Mirror of Knowledge" ("Bilim aynasy") of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

🔸 It talked about the scientific and pedagogical activities of Rana Sayfullayeva, professor of the Faculty of Uzbek Philology of the National University of Uzbekistan, doctor of philology, famous linguist who created a scientific school, winner of the "Dostlik" medal of the Republic of Kazakhstan.